Specializes in Cleaning & Coating
We provide innovative, quality and eco-friendly products with aims to provide cost-effective, energy saving and environmentally friendly solution to protect company’s fixed asset, high valued equipment and cleaning Live circuit board, Electrical Panel, server, telecommunication system, Electrical Switchgear, Etc.
Cool Coating solution
Our one-stop coating solutions are to curb rising of city temperature and urban heat island (UHI) effect by reflecting the heat back to the atmosphere. It provides Energy saving and waterproofing solutions.
We are continuously developing innovative and effective energy saving and heat reduction techniques to overcome the UHI effect. Besides, our one-stop coating solution will come with more value-added features to protect the building from ageing and drive building maintenance cost saving.
Whether you are Building Owner, in Construction industry, Manufacturing, Marine, Automotive, Pharmaceutical, Energy or Food industry, we have you covered.
What we do
We understand the weather better. Our solutions is to help overcome challenges due to the dynamic weather condition and drive cost saving.
With the rapid development and increasing of population, the situation became worse. The building surface like metal roof and wall eroded and damaged faster due to acid rain and pollution.
We use our unique coating material and technique to overcome the challenges faced by people. It helps to protect the building and also gives high-cost saving in term of maintenance and electricity costs to the building owners.
Our solutions help you to have more saving, lower equipment downtime, increase the service life of machine and system component, reduced maintenance and manpower cost.